Информация о безопасности / Payporter
Our Company never requires you to provide your Turkish identification number, GSM number, mobile phone brand and model information or any personal data to enable you to visit our website
In the e-mails sent from our company’s address payporter.com.tr; we never require you to provide your bank, credit card, Turkish identification number, GSM number, mobile phone brand and model information or personal data.
Do not trust any e-mail address that appears to be sent by PayPorter, but does not have the extension payporter.com.tr.
Do not share the reference number, amount, recipient etc. related to the transfer with any third parties.
You may be requested to pay taxes, commissions or pre-payments to claim a prize, draw or bet that you have won. You may receive a notification by SMS, e-mail or message that you should send money to claim the prize. Do not trust any information sent to you for a prize that does not actually exist.
Beware of the people asking money from you by introducing themselves over the phone as a police officer, prosecutor or a public officer. A public officer will never call you to ask money from you.
You may be offered a check for an amount higher than the price agreed for a service or product. They will ask you to send the excess money through money transfer. Do not trust it as the check might be fake.
If you are required to pay taxes or commissions in order to receive the inheritance from your relatives living abroad, act carefully as this might be a fraud attempt.
Do not trust it if you are required to send money for a job opportunity that you are accepted for.
You may be required to send money to pay for a product, an auction product or service advertised online. This product, which does not actually exist, is used to commit fraud. Do not trust it.
If you encounter a suspicious situation, please contact our Call Center at +90 850 811 00 77.